Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What is the best product to highlight blonde hair?

What product works best to highlight blonde hair that i can buy at a drugstore like CVS or Harmon? Help Please!What is the best product to highlight blonde hair?
definitaly garnierWhat is the best product to highlight blonde hair?
please please please pleaseeee, dont get any from a drug store :( the bleaach and developer in those things only lift so much but they also lift to a orange color. very bad. i would really recommend going to a beauty supply store and getting some bleach and developer and its the same price or even cheaper than at a drug store! i can tell you hav platinum hair so i would get a powder bleach and 30 developer, that will give you great highlights, and if your doing it with a cap they have them there also :) i just want to save you from making a mistake like all my friends did

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